Books to Read

I've read most books/biographies in this list. Most of them are really excellent, but I will put a * to indicate my favourites. I bought some, others have been offered. For a few, I'm truly, deeply grateful that I found them in libraries! Some books are not always focused on Marie-Antoinette but in relation to her family or events that concerned her directly (for instance: the affair of the necklace). I must also say that they are written in French by French authors, except for Antonia Fraser etc.. But I'm sure there must be some translations of the works below, or non-French biographies.

I only add here the editions I have or have read so far.

About Marie-Antoinette/her family:

-* Marie-Antoinette, épouse de Louis XVI, mère de Louis XVII, Philippe Delorme. Collection: Histoire des Reines de France. Edition Pygmalion, 2011.

-Marie-Antoinette, un destin brisé, Evelyne Lever. Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2006.

-* Marie-Antoinette, La dernière reine, Evelyne Lever. Découvertes Gallimard: Histoire.

-Marie-Antoinette, Antonia Fraser. Editions Flammarion, 2006. Translated from Marie-Antoinette, The Journey, 2001.

- Marie-Antoinette, la mal-aimée, Hortense Dufour. Editions Flammarion, 2001.

- Chère Marie-Antoinette, Jean Chalon. Editions Perrin. (I have a soft spot for this one because it's one of the first I tried to read as a child).

-Marie-Antoinette, André Castelot

-Marie-Antoinette, F.W. Kenyon. Robert Laffont. A very romanced biography. I'm not particularly fan of it but the cover is tolerable, and inside, there are some pictures of her portraits.

-Les Fantômes de Trianon, Une Aventure, C.A.E Moberly/E.F.Joudain. Editions du Rocher, 1959 (but I have the 2000 version). Translated from An Adventure. That's the tale of two English women who got lost in Marie-Antoinette's Hamlet. They swore to have experienced a sort of supernatural afternoon, meeting and seeing a few persons from a remote past. Some excerpts really made shivers run down my spine.

-Louis XVI, l'Otage, Jean-François Chiappe. Libraire Académique Perrin, 1989.

-Madame Royale, André Castelot. Editions Libraire Académique Perrin, 1962.
-Derniers Jours à la Prison du Temple, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de France. Editions Jacob-Duvernet, 2012.

-*L'Aiglon, André Castelot. Editions Librairie Académique Perrin. (About Marie-Caroline's great grand son; Napoléon I's son; Marie-Caroline is Marie-Antoinette's sister).

-Madame de Maintenon, La reine secète, André Castelot, Librairie Académique Perrin.

-Louis XIV, le Roi-Soleil, Max Gallo. XO Editions, 2007.
-Louis XIV, l'Hiver du Grand Roi, Max Gallo. XO Editions, 2007.

The list will go on, since there are so many works out there. I will of course mention books that have nothing to do with Marie-Antoinette.

Enjoy! :)

(Trianon and the gardens, as Marie-Antoinette must have known them). 

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