Thursday 11 July 2013

Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI-Related



When people say that all royals are blood related, well, I'm more than ready to agree. There were already a few gossips on the net on how Kate and William had some ancestors in common
Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI were not exceptions to this fact as well:

their common ancestors lineage starts with Philippe, Duke of Orléans, brother of king Louis XIV (great-great-great grand-father of Louis XVI). Indeed, Monsieur (as Philippe was called ) is no less than Marie-Antoinette's father's grand-father. With his second wife, Princess Palatine, Philippe “created” a second branch in his family when he gave his daughter to marry a member of the Lorraine family.

Louis XIV's brother's blood then also ran into Louis XVI's veins. He was his great-great-great-grand-father by the marriage between Marie-Adélaide de Savoie (Philippe's grand-daughter) and Louis de France (Louis XIV's grand-son and heir). 

So according to some genealogy rules, Marie-Antoinette is Louis XV's cousin on the same degree (not same generation, obviously).
Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were second cousins twice removed, and Marie-Antoinette was Louis XIV's great-grand niece.

Nevertheless, despite frequent marriages between first cousins or with other familial links, at least in their direct genealogy, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were rather in good health, great shape and said to be both handsome people (an English woman once said she was disappointed by Louis-Auguste during his wedding day, because she thought he was going to be horrible. He wasn't.).

Unfortunately, Louis XIV's cousin Charles II of Spain didn't have the same luck; he was the heir of a lineage full of inbreedings (his mother and father being niece and uncle for example) which probably explains his very awful health. And he was also heavily prognathous. He married Philippe's first daughter Marie-Louise whom he fell deeply in love with. Unfortunately for the couple, they didn't succeed in having children, which caused great distress for both of them. 

(Pictures found on the Net).

By Nana 
If there are some mistakes I apologize and will try to correct them.

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